
Chemotherapy here we come!

I have deliberately not blogged since the last entry as I wish to stay true to my purpose and not use this space to vent, to rant, to air my mental and emotional disconcerts.  I will just record that they have been many - a good sign according to my therapist.  It shows I am not holding on to 'stuff.'
I have reached a place of acceptance  - da da - having once again passed through those stages that Dr. Elisabeth Kübler-Ross so succinctly describes.  With all due diligence given to my situation by my doctors, my advisors and myself, I have reached the place where I choose to undergo at least one systemic therapy and thus give myself a good chance of surviving at least another 10 years in full health and happiness. This hormonal link is strong; hormones belong to the system.  Cancer in fact is a systemic disease.  I meet with the medical oncologist again next Tuesday, after which we will begin our journey into the world of metal, heavy metal.  Allopathic therapy leads the treatment focus for now.  Su-An

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