
Healing begins

I am just reaching the end of the first 3-week chemotherapy cycle.  The initial week after the first treatment was extremely symptomatic, with all that one would expect from an atomic explosion.  Then one week later, I woke up suddenly feeling much better, and that sense has increased daily.  I now prepare for the second hit.
During this time I have been blessed with a great healing of the issues I had with my dad.  Bringing them to light and letting them go has been the process, and suddenly I find I can say the Ho'oponomo mantra with no residue emotion in the bones.   It can take a long time to heal old wounds, and it can take no time at all  - this wonderful dichotomy of life.  For a fun take on the latter, and a great belly laugh if you have 5 minutes, watch Bob Newhart's approach to therapy:

Today I shave my head , or rather I go to the hair salon for the professional touch to finish the job of shedding over 100,000 hairs.   I am blown away by what the Creative Intelligence has evolved in the creation of the human being, especially right now the wonderful aspect of hair..............
Stay tuned for round two, Soon-to-be-bald-Su-An

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