
Complementary Therapies begin

I sat yesterday for an hour with a Journey (C) practitioner, (www.iris-journey.com)
The practitioner asks skilful questions that release deep emotional blockages - emotions that were suppressed and/or repressed at the time of the feeling. Emotional intelligence is hard to find for many reasons, the main one being ignorance of its existence. When we begin to be curious about how it functions, our lives become a whole lot easier. Emotions are simply energy in motion - e-motion. The healthiest way to deal with them is to welcome them in, give them their air time and then see them off at the door. That whole process should take no longer than 90 seconds. Another one of those practices where implementation is way more difficult than it sounds.
Needless to say, my inner being (part of the mind sheath) is rippled with these blocks. What I see is that it is not so important to delve into the cause as to ask myself how they are serving me in this life, and how would things be if I let them go?
The process is concerned with images and feelings, opening layer upon layer until we reach the crux of the human condition, its full rawness exposed.
Afterwards I was ravenously hungry and slept like a dead person. Does that mean it worked? Time will tell!
Today we go for acupuncture...........let's see what that brings.

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