
Insights, Acupuncture and Homeopathy

Reflecting on the Journey work as I found myself feeling lighter, brighter and receiving a compliment that I looked 10 years younger, I am reminded of a great lesson - life is both universal and personal. On the personal level, it's all about me. (Universally it's all about ME, but that is subject for another day.) Back to me. There are two sides here - one the great joke of someone talking of themselves and then saying: "That's enough about me. Let's talk about you. What do you think of me?"
That's not what I want to convey here. I will however make it personal to illustrate my point. In my confused reactionary state to this breast cancer recurrence, I put a lot of blame out there on my dad. It has nothing to do with him. He did the best he could always. It was me who absorbed the environment he created around me - yes, unwittingly, but I now have the choice to release and let go of that. This we did yesterday through our Journey process. I have done it before, and may have to do it again. We repeat the healing therapies that work for us until we get it! That's why I meditate every day. My little soul flame needs this constant reminder that Big Presence is totally one with her, and that perfection can only lie in the moment. Forgiveness for human limitations is a must.
Once we awaken to being alive, we have choices. The first step is acceptance of what is happening and taking full responsibility there. Now, I can take that Journey to release old emotional holding patterns, and work at being fully present with new waves, but when I take this approach to the subject of hormones, I am left with a disturbing thought. As much as I balance and take care of my personal ones, these xeno-estrogens are lurking lurking everywhere now in the environment, twenty first century. I feel overwhelmed with what has to be done here to rectify things. One big anchor is "Slow Death by Rubber Duck" and its recommendations.
Back to this particular case, I have begun the homeopathy to get me through the surgery and beyond. (www.homeopathysolutions.net) Also an acupuncture session yesterday that left me yawning like a baby birdie and again another deep sleep. All good. No more complementary therapies now until after the surgery and we know what else we are dealing with. All for today. Su-An

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